
My name is Leslie and I live in California and work out of my home at for an office that is in Texas. I have a husband who is an Anglican priest and serves as rector at our little church here on the central coast; three daughters who grow in knowledge and understanding every day; a son-in-law who is definitely the best thing to happen to our family since the year 2000; and a cat, who is a boy, whose name is Zosi (short for Father Zosima).

Sometimes I plunge to the deepest depths and sometimes I soar to the highest heights. Never within a month of each other though. It’s always a slow fall and even slower climb. I have found this place right here to be good for me. It helps keep me on the side of the mountain, enjoying the view. And if anyone else benefits from it, becomes my friend through it, or even just enjoys reading it, well, then the view’s just been made even better.

I’m pretty good at photography, cooking, bookkeeping, making music, playing poker, and jumping up in the air while kicking at the same time.

I would someday like to get better at mothering, gardening, building fires, praying without ceasing, and building the perfect music collection.

I will never, ever be good at small talk, saying goodbye, answering the phone, or playing volleyball.


May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. I’m really sorry that you will never be good at volleyball. You know how people ask you “When do you feel most alive?”. When I play volleyball competitively and I am in the “zone”–I feel most alive.

    I see things more acutely. I can block out everything else around me. I can anticipate what’s coming next and (believe it or not) I can worship while playing volleyball. In college I learned how to play my best and give my very best effort– and realized that that glorifies God.

    It’s a physical and spiritual high that I miss.

    I love you Sissy! and I’m so glad that you are “pretty good” at the things you listed above.


  2. I’m glad that you left this comment, Divine. I can almost imagine wanting to get better at volleyball now. I think I’ll just leave it at the imagining though and be grateful that it means so much to you. I hope you get to play soon.

    I love you too.


  3. Me too! Same here! I will never be good at small talk, saying goodbye, answering the phone, or playing volleyball. 🙂


  4. Hi Leslie — My name now is Zana (short for Rosana) Hart, but I grew up as Lesley Linebarger. Yesterday I was emailing with an old friend and he remembered me as Lesley but said another old friend remembered me as Leslie. My friend found your blog by googling your name. Small world!

    I’ve linked to a page I wrote just over a year ago, when I turned 70, that gives a lot of my bio. BTW, I was partly raised Anglican.


  5. Zana, what a pleasure it is to meet you here! You seem like a lovely, kind person and I enjoyed reading through some of your posts. I actually met another Leslie Linebarger by her googling her name (although she spells her first name Leslea). It really is nice to know that I am in such a beautiful company of women out there. I’m sure we’re a very small club though. It is not a common name!


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